Fixed an issue where Wither effect damage would be reduced by armor.This button clears contents of Marketplace folders (but not worlds) and might help alleviate issues downloading content.Added a Clear Cache button in Storage Settings for all platforms.

Fixed an issue with Marketplace bundle prices not showing as free after purchasing.Fixed a crash that could occur when leaving a split screen session.Fixed a potential crash source in explosions.Fixed a bug which caused the game to crash when loading an Arrow with an unrecognized data value.Fixed a crash that could occur when an animated structure was loading from a Structure Block and the player left a dimension via portal.Fixed a crash when using spawn eggs in peaceful worlds on PlayStation 4 Edition.NPCs can now have no name, hiding the nametag above their head.When a mob is a passenger in a Boat, neither the Boat nor the mob are allowed to change dimension.Fixed a bug which caused Boats to disappear when pushed through a portal.Fixed a bug where mobs with a long hit range could hit players through walls.Fixed an issue where Drowned could change held items when attacking.Enabled tamed mobs that follow the player to follow the player through End Portals.Guardians are no longer able to float in the air.Baby Villagers will again accept flowers from Iron Golems.Improved the images for the three control schemes in the touch settings menu.Fixed an issue where players couldn't swap unstackable items with touch controls.The inventory button for touch devices is now reset to its default appearance after closing the inventory.Updated the positioning of status effects for Pocket UI.Double tapping 'descend' now toggles off flight in Joystick touch control modes.Added support for dragging and dropping with touch gestures in the inventory.This reduces the chance of breaking a block by accident In Creative Mode while using touch input with Action Buttons off, the delay for breaking the first block has been increased to 800 milliseconds.